Slayers 4 The Future Wiki
Slayers Fight Cards - 419 Card ? Translated ?
Number 419 Rarity ?
Category ? Translated Character
Set ? Translated Basic set
Stat 1 ? Translated ?
Stat 2 ? Translated ?
Stat 3 ? Translated ?
Stat 4 ? Translated ?
Stat 5 ? Translated ?
Description 目的 呪文の使い方、勉強します:4


弱点 みなさん出来るのに、私だけできないのんて:-1


Translated Goal Studying To Use Magic:4

Your opponent has 4 or more cards in their Used Incantation Pile.

Weakness Everyone Can Do it But Me...:-1

You have more cards in your Used Incantation Pile than your opponent.
