Slayers 4 The Future Wiki
Slayers Fight Cards - 421 Card ? Translated ?
Number 421 Rarity ?
Category ? Translated Character
Set ? Translated Basic set
Stat 1 ? Translated ?
Stat 2 ? Translated ?
Stat 3 ? Translated ?
Stat 4 ? Translated ?
Stat 5 ? Translated ?
Description 特殊能力 悪いけど、絶望なんて興味ないから(常時)


Translated Special Ability Sorry, But I'm Not Interested In Being Depressed(Constant)

Affects this Character. Target is not affected by [Unable To Perform Actions]. If targeted by an opponent's effect that would cause [Unable To Perform Actions], instead of being affected by it the target's Incantation gains [ACC/POW:X2]. This Special Ability cannot be nullified by any effects.
